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儒行天弈精品推荐 --四川银币军政府造壹圆

2020-09-07 11:05编辑:xbl006人气:


China is the last country in the world to end the silver standard currency system. With the development of international trade in old China, the other countries in the world have already withdrawn from the mechanism of currency circulation. Due to the long-term large-scale collection of silver dollars by the people's Bank of China, the actual stock of old folk silver dollars is getting smaller and smaller, and over time it eventually becomes a rare collection of cultural relics.


In May 1911, the corrupt Qing government in the name of railway nationalization, private Sichuan and Han, Guangdong and Han Road building rights to the British, France, Germany and the United States four banking groups, aroused opposition from people all over the country, Sichuan Province particularly strong response, hundreds of thousands of people participated in the Baolu Comrade Army. After the Wuchang uprising, the provinces announced independence, Lujun surrounded Chengdu. Zhao Erfeng can not control the situation in Sichuan, had to hand over the regime to Sichuan Road Movement leader Pu Dianjun and other constitutionalists. As a result, Sichuan Province also declared independence, set up the "Great Han Sichuan military government ", and took over the Chengdu Mint branch. In order to expand the quartermaster, the word "Han" was cast Silver coins.


In the process of overthrowing the feudal dynasty to establish the Republic of China, the military government played an important role (later evolved into a warlord melee). As a regional interim government in the extraordinary period, the military government has issued currency, such as Hubei military government and Sichuan military government, all of which have issued copper coins, but only Sichuan military government has issued silver coins, which are very rare, with strong historical value and great significance. These currencies, which began to raise salaries and maintain government expenditure, later became regional currencies, so the military government currency has the dual functions of military currency and civil currency, which is of great significance.


The diameter of the coin is :3.926 cm, weight :25.7 g, the front is separated by bead circles. The upper edge of the outer area is "made by military government ", the lower edge is" one round ", each side has a cruciferous star, small and. On the back of the silver coin, the first year of the Republic of China, there is also a cruciferous star on both sides, there is a big circle in the middle, and the word "Han" in the inner seal script represents the meaning of "Han" in the new government. Under the word "Han" there are horizontal shading decoration, surrounded by 18 small circles Circle, engraved vertical ornaments, symbolizing the response to the Revolution of 1911 18 provinces. The whole design is exquisite, has the collection value extremely.


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